school update

Graduate School Update – halfway into first semester!

school update

Halfway into the first semester – conquered Risk Management (RIMA), and waiting for the results of Decision Support Methods (BSM)…

While i am just halfway into the first semester, i feel that i’ve been in school for a longgg time. Why? you may ask… Because i work full time in New York City and have to study all at night. I’m tired! LOL Also, it doesn’t help that the BSM class is the toughest class i’ve ever taken in my life!

Rational Decisions Require Math – wth?!

I have always been a “math-person”, but Decision Support Methods (BSM) has completely changed my life =) hahaha I swear, i have never seen such complicated math equations in my entire life. I am just glad that i’ve passed all assignments, and the group project (which i lead by the way…extra pressure anyone?!). I took the final exam about a week ago. I haven’t received my grade yet but i pray to god that i pass. I do not have the energy to study for a re-take exam!

Decision Trees

The one part of the Decision Support Methods (BSM) that i actually enjoyed and have started using in real life already, is “decision trees”. Love them because they give you a visual of all the alternatives! That way you’re able to better assess the situation and make a rational decision!

school update


Risk Management – Analyzing  an Application Problem

This class was hard,  but i liked it. I was able to analyze a real life problem (so called application problem). Something that i experience at my real job is that i am asked to spend time on non-revenue generating activities. This has an effect on the bottom line and using this situation as my application problem was extremely beneficial. Should i ever leave my current company i will be sure to share this report with them! =)

Not allowing the sales team to dedicate their time to sales activities carries some risks, some that can be detrimental to the business in the short term but also long term.

Looking ahead…

Two  new classes are starting on Monday (11/5):

I ow what to expect and i don’t know which one of these classes will be toughest however, based on the information i do have, i believe Decision Theory will be the one class that takes up the most of my time, aka “hardest… Regardless, wish me luck!

Check out more updates here!


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