what to do when overwhelmed

What to do when overwhelmed with …

What to do when overwhelmed with … anything! What to do when overwhelmed with debt What to do when overwhelmed with work What to do when overwhelmed with life What to do when overwhelmed with anxiety What to do when overwhelmed with grief What to do when overwhelmed with emotions What to do when overwhelmed …

Master's Program Update

Master’s Program Update – One month in!

Master’s Program Update One month into the master’s program and i have to admit that it’s harder than what i thought it would be. Granted it is graduate studies, but what i a really struggling with is to have time to go over everything, and UNDERSTAND everything. There are assignments due every week, they’re hard! …

Today is the beginning

Today is the beginning of the chaos!

today is the beginning That’s correct, today (9/3/18) is the beginning of the chaos. Why you may ask – well today is the day ill start my master studies. If you’ve followed me along over the past few months, i announced back in the spring that i will go to graduate school this fall – …

What City Matches Your Ambition?

ambition After college you’re faced with a decision; what city do you move to next? While in college… … You’re living in your little bubble. If you were fortunate like me, you faced some adversity and you had to work really hard to overcome things. This helpedĀ  build character. Helped build discipline. Helped shape my …