19 habits to help you prosper

19 Habits to Help you Prosper!

Network Dream big Plan ahead Get up early Stay focused Watch less TV Invest in yourself Read more books Avoid time wasters Take calculated risks Write down your goals Live on less than you make Make your health a priority Do work that matters to you Learn from people you admire Foster meaningful relationships Cultivate …


Effective Ways to Overcome Procrastination

Procrastination has been my biggest obstacle lately. I know that i’ve been procrastinating so it’s not like i’m in denial. First step to stop doing it is to acknowledge it, right? LOL I love Pinterest and came across a good post about over coming procrastination. It starts off by describing the most common procrastination triggers: …

What City Matches Your Ambition?

ambition After college you’re faced with a decision; what city do you move to next? While in college… … You’re living in your little bubble. If you were fortunate like me, you faced some adversity and you had to work really hard to overcome things. This helped  build character. Helped build discipline. Helped shape my …

career confidence

Women | Career Confidence | Excel in your career

career confidence Did you know that in the United States and a number of other countries, women now actually surpass men in educational achievement… However it’s still more common that men move into positions with profit-and-loss responsibilities while equally capable women are channeled into support roles. Why does this  happen? Is it because women aren’t …