people's opinions

Dealing with other people’s opinions

Always remember: Your value doesn’t decrease based on someone’s inability to see your worth. That’s probably one of the realest statements i’ve ever read. People’s opinions about you don’t matter! Let’s face it – people love to give you their opinion, their POV on your situation, what they think you should do, what they think …

Funny Email Sign-Offs

Funny Email Sign-Offs

Funny Email Sign-Offs Fun fact – did you know that the most annoying email sign off is “Thanks”. I swear i hate that sign off myself! Is it too time consuming to spell out “thank you” instead? #JustSaying I’m guilty of always always always ending my emails with “Best”. I can’t be more over that. …

Networking Conversation Starters

Networking Conversation Starters!

Networking Conversation Starters When it comes to conversation, you’re a natural. You can chat up a storm with just about anyone, you’re a pro at listening, and you love meeting and connecting with new people. But when it comes to starting that networking conversation? That’s a different story. This is one of the most common concerns we …

How do you evaluate a job offer

How do you evaluate a job offer?

How do you evaluate a job offer There are different approaches you can take when evaluating a job offer. It shouldn’t have to be that difficult to decide whether you’ll accept the offer or not. Are the pros outweighing the cons? Is the job offer in line with your expectations? Alright, so let’s not pretend …

Career Success

10 Career Success PRINCIPLES

Career Success Do what you can with what you have, from where you are today. It is all about small steps and imperfect action. Treat your current job and life as your dream job to create the life you want. You are what you think you are. What happens tomorrow is because of how you …

out-of-office emails

7 out-of-office emails and the people who send them

out-of-office emails 1. Complicated Claire Hello! I’m out of the office right now with no access to email. If you have a question about billing, please contact Irene. If you have a question about marketing, please contact Josh. If you have a question about billing related to marketing, please contact Irene and Josh and cc …