Master's Program Update

Master’s Program Update – One month in!

Master’s Program Update One month into the master’s program and i have to admit that it’s harder than what i thought it would be. Granted it is graduate studies, but what i a really struggling with is to have time to go over everything, and UNDERSTAND everything. There are assignments due every week, they’re hard! …

setting goals

7 steps to setting goals and accomplishing them!

  When being an ambitious woman, setting goals is extremely important and should be a natural part of your life. Whether it’s a micro goal or a macro goal – setting them and working towards achieving them is what matters! Powerful reasons why setting goals is important: Goals give you focus Goals allow you to …

Accepted to graduate school

I was accepted to graduate school!

Accepted to graduate school In October of last year i chose to apply to graduate school. Im from a country where education is free so why not take advantage of that, right? I had forgotten about my application but found out yesterday that i had been accepted! Woohoo!! It is a Master’s program in Decision Support …