dream to achieve

What I dream about, and Expect of Myself.


I am not afraid to share what i dream about at all. As a matter of fact, i want people to know what i expect for my self… or what i dream about! That way they may understand why i make certain decisions, take certain actions etc. Let me take a moment to share with you what i work towards…



I realize that it may be a long shot but hey, we have to dream in order to achieve right?

I currently reside in New York City. I have a great job and I make good money. What i pay in rent is a damn good morgage payment for a house like the one picture above. But what do i get fir the money here in NYC… A 1 bedroom apartment in s Brownstone in Brooklyn. Don’t get me wrong, i love it here. I really do. But a part of me wants more. I have been playing with the thought of moving to Atlanta. The only thing really holding me back form moving is the fact that salaries are significantly lower there than in NYC… For obvious reasons. I work in digital advertising. Advertising’s mecca is New York City. So it makes sense for me to live and work here if i’m in this industry.

Did you know that the cost of living is 131% HIGHER in NYC than in Atlanta, GA?! That’s just insane!

cost of living atl vs nyc

Check out the cost of living calculator here

So let me break it down a little bit…. I’m not dreaming and working towards becoming rich. I already am. Not in a financial kind of way but spiritually! In my eyes that’s really what matters. What you see in the image above is “PEACE”. That’s what i’m dreaming about. That’s what i am working towards. Peace and comfortability.

The cost of living may be significantly lower, but the salaries are as well!

I make good money here in NYC. Luckily i don’t have debt or loans so i’m able to save and put money away for this dream house LOL One reality of moving away fro NYC is the salary situation. Based on the Nerdwallet calculator i used, i’d need to make roughly 44% of my current salary in order to have the same lifestyle in ATL. In my mind i’m thinking that would be easy to find but because i’m pretty clueless in terms of what jobs pay in Atlanta, i have no idea how hard it’ll actually be.

Don’t bust my bubble! I know that it’s not always greener on the other side. Trust that i’ll do my due diligence before making such massive move!





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