If you are like me, you do not like to track the calories each piece of food that you eat contains. As a matter of fact, i do not even want to have it in the back of my head that food actually consists of calories at all LOL
BUT, if you’re also like me, that you want to be in shape, then you probably already know that it is important to know how much energy you exhaust and how much you take in. I understand that no fitness tracker is 100% reliable, but i have chosen to put some trust in my Fitbit Charge 3. It allows me to see how much energy i exhaust on the days i workout, and on the days i do not workout. Knowing the difference in caloric expenditure can help me plan my meals and essentially help me hit my fitness goals. Below is a screenshot of the calories i have been burning over the last 10 days:

I did not work out last week at all so what you see between 6/30 and 7/6 is basically my caloric expenditure during NON workout days. The reason why i burned almost 2,300 calories on 7/4 was due to a lot of walking.
On Monday 7/8 i was doing weight lifting as well as cardio so i burned almost 1,000 calories that day alone. The following day i did 45mins of stair master (kill me!!)
Moral of the story, depending on your expenditure level any given day, you should adapt your caloric intake. Meaning, i should not eat the same amount of food on a non-workout day as on a workout day. Makes sense?
Also, depending on your fitness goals, you may want to play around with your macros; carbs, protein, fats. Your body may actually have a different response depending on how the macros are manipulated.
How to count calories to lose weight?
Theoretically – all you need to do to lose weight is to eat less than what you expend each day. Meaning, if you burn 2,000 calories and you want to lose weight, make sure you eat less than 2,000 calories, ex. 1,750.
There is a great interest in knowing how to count calories. Common questions people ask are:
- how to lose weight without counting calories
- how to lose weight counting calories
- how many calories do i need a day calculator
From the above, it’s clear that people wants a straight forward way to lose weight. What i’ve already mentioned IS straight forward, but people don’t want to put n the effort. By “effort” i mean actually doing, taking action. NOT working out. You can actually lose weight WITHOUT going to the gym. The absolut easiest way is to trust in the Fitbit Charge 3. Seriously. That way you don’t really have to guess how much you expend any given day. Let a week pass, go about your days as you usually would without a Fitbit on your wrist. When the week is over, review your caloric expenditure and start planning your weekly meal menu. Can’t be easier than that. Here is a snapshot of what my weekly menu looks like. Let me know if you want a customized meal plan as well!

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