what to do when overwhelmed
Blog, Resources

What to do when overwhelmed with …

What to do when overwhelmed with … anything!

  • What to do when overwhelmed with debt
  • What to do when overwhelmed with work
  • What to do when overwhelmed with life
  • What to do when overwhelmed with anxiety
  • What to do when overwhelmed with grief
  • What to do when overwhelmed with emotions
  • What to do when overwhelmed with home work
  • What to do when overwhelmed with school
  • What to do when overwhelmed with clutter
  • What to do when overwhelmed with housework

The list goes on. People are overwhelmed! I grabbed the above list from Google – see screenshot below:

What to do when overwhelmed with ...
Google results: what to do when overwhelmed with…

No matter what the situation is for you, there is always something you can do to help ease your emotions. Trust me, i’m going through some stuff myself and i seriously have to pay attention to what i’m about to tell you…

According to Inc.com, there are 17 things to do when you’re feeling totally overwhelmed. These spoke to me:

#1. Take an emotional time out.

The point is to take an hour or two away from your problems–physically somewhere else, if possible. You’ll remember that there’s a vast world out there, and maybe put yourself back in perspective.

#5. Be mindfully thankful.

If you’re reading this, you have a lot to be thankful for. Things are pretty good, no matter how rough they might seem at any particular moment. Take a minute, reflect, and reset.

#8. Procrastinate.

I know that virtually every other article will tell you to tackle things right away–but I know I read an article somewhere that says that can be flat-out wrong. It’s amazing how your subconscious can solve problems for you when you ignore them for a bit.

#15. Turn stuff down.

Sometimes you have to say no. Sometimes you even have to say, “I know I said yes before–but I have to say no now.” Of course, you don’t want to make a practice of this and develop a reputation for unreliability. Still, maybe it’s better than getting overwhelmed and getting nothing done.

Check out the original article and let me know what part of the article spoke to you!

Other ways to deal when overwhelmed is to simply ask for help. It doesn’t have to be more difficult than that. I do realize that we’re all different, we’re wired differently and not everyone are comfortable asking for help (it can be hard to ask for help because no one wants to impose on others).

As it pertains to my situation, i am overwhelmed with so many things. I try to take mental dumps, work on solutions to my problems in intervals, as well as asking for help. I try to keep a good attitude, and stay positive. I know i’m making progress but it is difficult to stay motivated and inspired to keep going. Nevertheless, i’m still pushing, trying to make a difference and improve my situation. You should too. Take one step at a time, there is no rush, focus on YOU.

Nothing will work unless you do!

Maya Angelou

Feelings like those described above are completely normal. As you can see from the google results i shared above, people search for “fixes” all the time. Google even give you the definition of the word:

search results google definition of the word Overwhelmed
Definition from Google

If there is one single thing i want you to take away from this blog post, it is to ACCEPT THE ANXIETY that’s causing you to be overwhelmed. Face it head on. The more you try to ignore or run away from it, the longer it will linger. Deal with it now. Don’t wait.

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Please share follow me on social media @wo0gie and @gowomanity

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