today is the beginning
That’s correct, today (9/3/18) is the beginning of the chaos. Why you may ask – well today is the day ill start my master studies. If you’ve followed me along over the past few months, i announced back in the spring that i will go to graduate school this fall – Master’s Program in Decision Support and Risk Analysis.
Fall semester
Today is the beginning of the fall semester. Each semester is divided into two parts: Sep-Oct, and Nov- mid-Jan. The first part will cover two classes: 1) Decision Support Methods, and 2) Risk Management. The class i’m most worried about is the latter because it has a shit ton of math – very advanced calculus! LOL I thought i had left that behind when i graduated college the first time! hehe Additionally, the same class (Risk Management) has some challenging content – the teacher provided a sheet highlighting content that he deems to be “intellectually challenging”. So with that said, today is the beginning of a very tough journey!