confident woman

Become a (more) Confident Woman

confident woman

My grand mother raised 3 girls.

My mom raised 3 girls.

My older sister is raising 2 girls.

My best friend is raising 1 girl.

In order for women to “conquer the world”, they need to be confident. I was doing research around what makes women confident and i came across an article with tips on how to raise a confident girl. It’s actually a man who wrote this article, not a woman. I’m unsure if these tips are from a man’s perspective or if they’re objective… You be the judge. Personally i agree with all of them (even though i’m not an parent).

1. Encourage assertiveness.
2. Be specific in your compliments.
3. Make your praise match reality.
4. Help her understand why she sometimes gets left out.
5. Encourage competence.
6. Encourage her to play sports if she wants to.
7. Don’t make assumptions about her strengths and weaknesses.
8. Encourage a healthy body image.
9. Prepare her for sexism.
10. Point out positive female role models.

While this is an article for parents who are raising daughters, i still think that us adult women can  review each tip and apply & adjust in our own adult lives to better ourselves. The article breaks each tip down. I hvae done that as well but made it more suitable for adults.

1. Encourage assertiveness.
Teach yourself to express your needs and stand your ground with your peers.

2. Be specific in your compliments.
Give yourself concrete complements.

3. Make your praise match reality.
Realize if you’re making progress. Small progress each day gets you closer to your big goal.

4. Help her understand why she sometimes gets left out.
If you get excluded from events etc, don’t take it personal (all the time). If someone doesn’t want to include you it probably has more to do with that person’s bad mood than it does with you.

5. Encourage competence.
Don’t be too quick to ask for help. Try to figure it out before asking for help!

6. Encourage her to play sports if she wants to.
Make sure you get some exercise in each day! Don’t be afraid of the gym, throw those weights around. You can do it!

7. Don’t make assumptions about her strengths and weaknesses.
Just because you’re a woman it doesn’t mean you can’t do “manly” activities. Take yourself out of the box and watch yourself grow as a human being!

8. Encourage a healthy body image.
Always know that you are beautiful. Forget the haters who think you’re not! Beauty comes in all shapes, sizes, shades and ages!

9. Prepare her for sexism. (unchanged)
Even today, some people think that girls can’t do some things that boys can. If you notice your daughter watching TV shows or movies where girls stay in the background while boys save the day, point it out and talk to her about how different things are in the real world.

10. Point out positive female role models.
Seek out your own role models. Be your own model for god’s sake!!


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