Master's Program Update

Master’s Program Update – One month in!

Master’s Program Update One month into the master’s program and i have to admit that it’s harder than what i thought it would be. Granted it is graduate studies, but what i a really struggling with is to have time to go over everything, and UNDERSTAND everything. There are assignments due every week, they’re hard! …

What City Matches Your Ambition?

ambition After college you’re faced with a decision; what city do you move to next? While in college… … You’re living in your little bubble. If you were fortunate like me, you faced some adversity and you had to work really hard to overcome things. This helped  build character. Helped build discipline. Helped shape my …

new beginnings

New Beginnings = New Job = New Team & Boss

  I know that the suspense is killing you… lol I can finally say that i’ve signed the paperwork for my new job. This was actually completed a week or so ago but i wanted to take a few days to clear my head before i announced to the world! Hahaha For obvious reasons i …

career confidence

Women | Career Confidence | Excel in your career

career confidence Did you know that in the United States and a number of other countries, women now actually surpass men in educational achievement… However it’s still more common that men move into positions with profit-and-loss responsibilities while equally capable women are channeled into support roles. Why does this  happen? Is it because women aren’t …

confident woman

Become a (more) Confident Woman

confident woman My grand mother raised 3 girls. My mom raised 3 girls. My older sister is raising 2 girls. My best friend is raising 1 girl. In order for women to “conquer the world”, they need to be confident. I was doing research around what makes women confident and i came across an article with tips …