
Desire Jansson | “Be yourself – don’t let anyone say you’re not good enough”

desire jansson

It’s Monday morning…the alarm goes off. It’s 6am. Time to get up – time to wake up the kids – time for school!

Desire, a mother of 3, starts her day at the crack of dawn. She prepares the breakfast, get the kids dressed and before they know it it’s 6:45am and they’re out the door!

First stop: Drop of kids at school.

Next stop: AstraZeneca.

Desire (Dessi) works full time at AstraZeneca – one of the biggest pharmaceutical companies in the world. She drives the manufacturing of all sorts of medicine. Pretty interesting work but that’s not where her passion is. Dessi is also an entrepreneur.

It all started many years ago when a friend of hers showed her a website dedicated to cakes. Dessi was sold and had to try making one. She did.. the rest is history. This is what she had to say:

I’ve always loved to bake but one day a friend of mine showed me a web page with cakes. That was it, I had to try making one of those custom made cakes just to see how difficult it’d be. That was the start. I completed that cake and never stopped. I fell in love with the process.

Dessi’s work schedule is pretty hectic, especially since she has 3 kids who all have extra curricular activities outside of school. She normally gets of work at 4pm, rush home to get the kids and then drop them off at various activities. Around 6pm-7pm it’s dinner time and around 8pm, that’s when she gets to work on fulfilling her dream.

On a typical day Dessi spends anywhere from 2-6hours on her basking business. When asked about her goals over the next two years, this is what she had to say:

I already have a pretty nice customer base but this year i’m hoping to bring on a few more. I am currently waiting for a building in my neighborhood to be built so that i can put in a bid on a store front. In 2019 i’d like to expand and invest into a physical store. Exciting times are ahead!

Being a mom, working a full time job, and executing your dream can be tough. Tough on the toughest individual. Something has got to give. So far however, Dessi has been able to multitask. “Multitasking” is actually one of the skills she has learned to perfect.

Quick 2:

  1. 3 words that describes you? Answer: Happy. Determined. Intense.
  2. What’s the best advice you ever received and why? Answer: “Be yourself and don’t let anyone say your not good enough”. What you think of yourself is what counts. I am a strong woman and I know what I want in life. That’s why I’m going to be ME and do what i think I’m good at!

Finally – what advice would you give other women who need that extra push to follow their dream?

Answer: Don’t ever let anyone tell you it’s impossible. If you have a plan, a calculated plan, just believe in yourself and execute. You can do it!

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Business: TastyPastry

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