How do you evaluate a job offer

How do you evaluate a job offer?

How do you evaluate a job offer There are different approaches you can take when evaluating a job offer. It shouldn’t have to be that difficult to decide whether you’ll accept the offer or not. Are the pros outweighing the cons? Is the job offer in line with your expectations? Alright, so let’s not pretend …

What do you value in people

What do you value in people?

  Over the past few months, as i’ve been looking for my next opportunity, there are a few things i’ve learned about people. Before i speak about that, let me first discuss what i value in people… Authenticity Honesty Integrity Authenticity I love when people dare to be themselves, no matter how nerdy, crazy or …

Accepted to graduate school

I was accepted to graduate school!

Accepted to graduate school In October of last year i chose to apply to graduate school. Im from a country where education is free so why not take advantage of that, right? I had forgotten about my application but found out yesterday that i had been accepted! Woohoo!! It is a Master’s program in Decision Support …

Attitude is Everything

Attitude is Everything!

Attitude really is everything. In every single situation, you have the choice to see tings from a positive or negative perspective. Majority of the time, i choose the positive. I know myself, i know my abilities and i know my mental strength. There is really nothing that i cannot overcome. If my mind was clogged …

Career Success

10 Career Success PRINCIPLES

Career Success Do what you can with what you have, from where you are today. It is all about small steps and imperfect action. Treat your current job and life as your dream job to create the life you want. You are what you think you are. What happens tomorrow is because of how you …