
Welcome to goWomanity.com!


Welcome to goWomanity.com!

Here i am starting yet another project… What’s different this time? Well, this time i’m doing this for me! 

I often times find myself posting motivational quotes, constantly tagging the hashtag “women empowerment”. I do it because me personally need motivation to keep on going. I don’t fit in the typical mold. I have a voice, i enjoy throwing weights around, i watch sports, i am super competitive, ambitious and i want to succeed in life. JUST like my male counter-parts!

goWomanity.com is my outlet, my area of comfort where i’ll be posting interviews of successful women in various genres, i’ll throw up some podcasts now and then to capture my emotions certain days, and also include some career advice + my workout routines (that help keep me sane!)

Check out the Instagram, Twitter and Facebook page!

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