Career, Resources

Effective Ways to Overcome Procrastination

Procrastination has been my biggest obstacle lately. I know that i’ve been procrastinating so it’s not like i’m in denial. First step to stop doing it is to acknowledge it, right? LOL

I love Pinterest and came across a good post about over coming procrastination. It starts off by describing the most common procrastination triggers:

  • Perfectionism
  • Low energy
  • Overwhelmed
  • Difficult work
  • Boring work
  • Distracted

When you feel tempted to procrastinate, there are two things you need to do: 1. look at the above list and identify your trigger. 2. scroll down to the solution for your trigger… Ready? Alright, let’s go!

Perfectionism: Treat whatever you’re doing as a rough draft. Nothing really has to be perfect so start drafting and then go back to edit. Perfectionists usually have trouble getting started so if you start with one small task and then move on to the next, you may be in the “motion”…which essentially will help you move through the tasks quicker! Before you know it you’re done!

Low energy: This one is sort of simple – take a power nap, get some caffeine, wash your face or get a snack…or all of the above. Bottom line, do whatever is going to make you feel refreshed, energized and ready to go, even if you’re tired. Waiting only increases stress and anxiety.

Overwhelmed: This can happen to the best of us but there are a few steps to take in order to lessen the feelings of being overwhelmed.

  1. Break the task into pieces
  2. Make a detailed to-do list.
  3. Your path is now clear so now you should technically be “calmer”. Now it’s time to prepare.
    • Surrounding: make sure that everything is organized, your environment clean and purposefully equipped. This will lead to productivity.
    • Take a deep breath, and begin!

Difficult work: If the work is too difficult for you to do immediately, it is likely because of one of the following reasons:

  • There is too much work and you do not know where to begin.
  • You do not undertand the content.
  • You do not know how to carry out the requirements of the task.

The first reason in the list is very similar to being “overwhelmed”, so scroll up to the overwhelmed section! If it’s a matter of not understanding the content, then find ways to understand it. There are plenty of sources out there, some of which are: Youtube, Khan Academy or even a simply wikipedia search. Trust my word, utilizing the above resources can help you tremendously!

If you don’t know how to do what you’re expected to do, check with your boss, teacher, other students, other co-workers etc. use the resources around you – don’t be afraid to ask!

Boring work: I’m sure we all have had this issue before… not all work will be satisfying. When you find yourself in this situation, suck it up. Remind yourself why you started, why you’re doing it in the first place. And lastly, just get it done.

Distracted: There are two options for you who are easily distracted:

  1. Remove all possible temptation or opportunities to procrastinate, or
  2. Surround yourself with distraction. This one may seem counter-intuitive BUT for some people it forces focus. Put on some music, have the tv on in the background etc.

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