Fuck This Shit

Fuck This Shit = Gives you a sense of Liberation!

Fuck This Shit

Sometimes i can be very indecisive, other people can be too. When that happens i say “fuck it” OR “fuck this shit” and then move on with what my gut told me to do.  just like I can be? Sometimes it’s really difficult to make the “right” decision (probably because we’re over-thinking or over-analyzing the situation)… Other times it’s as easy as 1-2-3. I am talking about big decisions, but also the smallest LOL.

What works for you?

What really works for me when I feel overwhelmed with what decision to make, I almost always end up saying either “Fuck it!”, or  “Fuck This Shit!”… And then make the decision that makes most sense. Like i said above, i trust my gut. What works for you? Oprah.com shared 4 ways to handle being indecisive. I choose not to follow them haha

Fuck this shit… and the truth be told…

When saying and doing that, I have chosen to accept whatever consequences my decision will bring; good or bad.

This makes me feel liberated and control over my life. Try it, I know you’ll feel a sense of freedom just like me!

Read more from my blog!

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