You have to be confident in this world. You have to know your value and live accordingly. By end of day tomorrow I have to make a decision that may alter the course of my career. You see… A few months ago i joined an organization that “sold me a dream”. They painted a …
Fuck This Shit = Gives you a sense of Liberation!
Fuck This Shit Sometimes i can be very indecisive, other people can be too. When that happens i say “fuck it” OR “fuck this shit” and then move on with what my gut told me to do. just like I can be? Sometimes it’s really difficult to make the “right” decision (probably because we’re over-thinking …
7 out-of-office emails and the people who send them
out-of-office emails 1. Complicated Claire Hello! I’m out of the office right now with no access to email. If you have a question about billing, please contact Irene. If you have a question about marketing, please contact Josh. If you have a question about billing related to marketing, please contact Irene and Josh and cc …
Lower body workout with focus on buttocks!
Lower body workout I love working lower body! Here is bootylicious workout i know you’ll like! Heads up – if you haven’t spent much time doing a lower body workouts, you may not be very familiar with some of these exercises… So make sure you do your research on how to perform each exercise correctly! …
Welcome to!
Welcome to! Here i am starting yet another project… What’s different this time? Well, this time i’m doing this for me! I often times find myself posting motivational quotes, constantly tagging the hashtag “women empowerment”. I do it because me personally need motivation to keep on going. I don’t fit in the typical mold. …